FF XIII-2 News
Hi, During
the ongoing Tokyo Game Show 2011, SquareEnix recently released the new
trailers for the upcoming sequel to the 13th installment of the Final
Fantasy game franchise, Final Fantasy XIII-2. Final Fantasy XIII-2 will
be shipped for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles on December 15 in
Japan, January 31 in the United States and February 3 in Europe. There
will be a limited-edition PlayStation 3 Final Fantasy XIII-2 Lightning
Edition Ver.2 bundle. Xbox 360 players will also be relieved to hear
that they won't have to get up off the couch in the middle of their
playthrough: The game is to ship on only one disc, just like the PS3
It'll be Awesome
Detaile at http://www.ggmania.com/?smsid=31665
Sunday, September 25, 2011 | Label: FFXIII-2, Square Enix, Tokyo Game Show | 0 Comments
Twit Astrid Andriani membakar amarah semua pihak
Pasalnya, "Sumpah serapah" dari siswi ababil ini menambah keruh suasana, bukanya mendoakan yg baik-baik. kena deh say..
Berkomentar di Twitter bukan tanpa etika. Salah-salah, Anda bisa dikecam beramai-ramai gara-gara komentar yang kurang mengenakkan. Seperti dialami pemilik akun @AstridAdriani, Senin (19/9/2011) malam ini. Meski tak turut dalam aksi pemukulan, ia jadi bulan-bulanan kecaman.Siap siap thread record ni cewe di umbar ke publik...
Gara-gara memaki wartawan yang menjadi korban pemukulan dalam kericuhan di depan SMAN 6 di Jalan Mahakam, Jakarta Selatan, tadi siang, ia harus terima kecaman banyak pengguna Twitter. Sebagian di antaranya menasihati Astrid agar lain kali jangan asal bicara.
Astrid dikecam karena komentarnya sambil me-retweet tulisan @Gilang_Perdanaa, yang mengaku turut memukul wartawan sambil . "Haha saik ._. wartawannya semoga mati deh :D RT @Gilang_Perdanaa: Puas gua mukulin wartawan di jalur sampe bonjok2 emosi bet gua t**," tulis @AstridAdriani.
Kontan, komentar Astrid langsung banyak di-reply pengguna Twitter lainnya. Ia pun menjadi bulan-bulanan kecaman di layanan microblogging tersebut. Tak lama berselang akun yang tadinya bisa dibaca publik pun ditutup. Hanya teman-temannya yang dapat melihatnya.
Namun, saat mendapat banyak kecaman, ia berdalih akunnya dibajak orang lain sehingga sampai keluar kalimat tersebut. Lewat akunnya pula, ia pun sempat berkali-kali meminta maaf atas perbuatannya. Namun, apa lacur nasi sudah menjadi bubur, komentarnya terlanjur disebar dan tidak bisa ditarik lagi. "Mahakam keras, Twitter lebih keras bung!" tulis salah satu pengguna Twitter.
Hal serupa juga dilakukan oleh danu, komplak banget tuh bocah..
Monday, September 19, 2011 | Label: Astrid Andriani, Danu, Kicauan, SMAN 6 Jakarta, Sumpah, Tweet, Twitter, Wartawan | 0 Comments
"Siswa" SMAN 6 Jakarta Calon Preman Masa Depan
Sementara, para pelapor yakni Banar Fil Ardhi juru foto Kompas.com, Yudistiro Pranoto juru foto Harian Seputar Indonesia, Dodi wartawan Trans 7, dan Panca Saukani juru foto Harian Media Indonesia.Kompas.com, Empat orang wartawan yang menjadi korban luka dalam kericuhan yang terjadi di depan SMAN 6 Jakarta siang tadi resmi membuat laporkan di Polres Jakarta Selatan. Di dalam laporan polisi yang dicatat di Polres, pihak terlapor adalah seorang siswa SMAN 6 Jakarta, Gilang Perdana.
Kasatreskrim Polres Jakarta Selatan, Ajun Komisaris Besar Budi Irawan, mengatakan Gilang bisa saja dikenakan pasal pengroyokan. "Gilang dan kawan-kawan kalau terbukti bisa dikenakan pasal 170 KUHP tentang pengeroyokan dan pasal pengrusakan terhadap harta benda," ujarnya, Senin (19/9/2011), di Jakarta.
Jika terbukti, Gilang bisa terancam melakukan pengeroyokan dengan hukuman penjara di atas 5 tahun. Selain itu, Budi menambahkan para pelaku nantinya juga bisa dijerat dengan Undang-undang Pers nomor 40 tahun 1999 karena menghambat kerja jurnalis dalam mencari berita. "Nanti bisa ditambahkan UU Pers," ujarnya.
Monday, September 19, 2011 | Label: Bentrok, Gilang, Kompas, Media Indonesia, SMAN 6 Jakarta, Tawuran, Wartawan | 0 Comments
Miscorsoft Shout to Companies : Dump your Old XP!
In an new post on the official Windows blog site,
Microsoft's Stephen L Rose stated that there are two big reasons for
leaving Windows XP behind. One of them is, of course, the fact that
there is a new version of the OS, Windows 7, that's a big improvement
over Windows XP (no mention at all of Windows Vista).
Wouldn’t it be great if the glory days lasted forever? But reality is trophies get dusty, records are broken, and what it took to be the best ten years ago, just isn’t enough for today’s standards. Things get better, faster. And eventually, it’s time to move from good enough to something much better.Haha...
Windows XP had an amazing run and millions of PC users are grateful for it. But it’s time to move on. Two reasons: 1) Extended support for Windows XP is running out in less than 1000 days, and 2) there’s an OS out there that’s much better than Windows XP.
On April 8, 2014, security patches and hotfixes for all versions of Windows XP will no longer be available. So bottom line, PC’s running Windows XP will be vulnerable to security threats. Furthermore, many third party software providers are not planning to extend support for their applications running on Windows XP, which translates to even more complexity, security risks, and ultimately, added management costs for your IT department if you’re still managing Windows XP environments. To learn more about Microsoft’s Support Lifecycle policy, please visit Microsoft Support.
It's your item, why the seller urge to trash your items you pay!
Sunday, September 18, 2011 | Label: Companies, Dump Xp, Miscrosoft | 0 Comments
SBY Galer! 1 Posting Gak Penting
Kebayang gak jika tangan kanan yg digunakan untuk bergaler ria?, apalagi jika SBY berkunjung ke suatu tempat daerah jawa timur, pasti banyak yg menyalaminya dan mencium tanganya..
hehe.. mamam tuh galer..
Udah ah, gpp kan nambah lagi satu posting gak penting..
buat yg baca, mohon maaf waktu hidup anda terbuang untuk melihat hal gak penting semacam ini..
eittt nanti dulu.. kalo barusan anda melihat foto yg agak menjijikan, foto yg satu ini pasti yang paling di cari-cari sejagat maya!.
ya, Miss Colombia Catalina Robayo, yaitu Miss Universe yang Gak Pakai Celana dalam, atawa CD, atawa Panties, atawa Underwear..
Kebayang gak, kalo si Catalina Robayo galer sewaktu gak pake CD? hampir bisa dipastikan, Goa idaman pria tersebut menjadi baret-baret gak kepuguan.. ( cek KBBI kalau gak ngerti)
Ahai, ngabur ah...
PS: ini cuma guyon.. kalo mau nuntut garuk dulu punya Catalina :lol:
Monday, September 12, 2011 | Label: Catalina Underwear, Foto, Galer, Garuk anu, No CD, No Kancut, SBY lucu | 0 Comments
Star Wars: The Old Republic Smuggler class / Job Tree
Today we brought a Smugler Class/Tree on Old Republic
running blockades to deliver vital supplies or evading Imperial
patrols, the Smuggler must rely on his wit and guile just as much as the
blaster at his side. As the price on his head rises and his enemies
grow more dangerous, the Smuggler will have to acquire new skills and
utilize more powerful weapons and armor to survive. Get a look at some
of the ways the Smuggler can progress and see just a small fraction of
the weapons, armor and abilities that become available to him.
Sunday, September 11, 2011 | Label: Smugler Class, Smugler Skill, Tree Smugler, Video | 0 Comments
Contestants Miss Universe "Lost"Panties, Columbia Habbits? Lol
Being a Miss Universe would not take just a pretty face, perfect body, and broad insight. More important, the behavior is polite and decent role models. But did Miss Columbia Catalina Robayo is certainly not at all be emulated. When present in his official appearance with the 89 Miss Universe contestants from around the world in Sao Paulo (including Puteri Indonesia Nadina Alexandra Dewi Ames), Monday (09/05/2011) and then, Catalina Robayo wearing a mini dress is gorgeous coral color. Fuss, so sit, it appears that 22-year-old woman was not wearing underwear. Worse yet, the action is caught on camera of a local newspaper, and was on the headlines the next day!
Wednesday, September 07, 2011 | Label: Catalina Underwear, Columbia Panties, Miss Colombia Catalina Robayo, Miss Columbia no Panties, Miss Universe, No Underwear, Without Panties | 0 Comments
Dragon Quest X Online !
The mysterious Dragon Quest X will be an online RPG coming to Wii U as well as Wii, developer and publisher Square Enix revealed. Wii owners of the game will be able to play against Wii U owners of the game online too! They also plan to have a 3DS related feature allowing you to share characters through streetpass and more. However, it's not clear quite how being online will change the game. Players still form parties by going to pubs, making it sound somewhat instanced, but you can see other players fighting in the game world and help them if they've fallen in battle. You can play by yourself, too, purely with the support of NPC party members. You can also let your character be used as an NPC for their own parties, when you're not playing it yourself. Dragon Quest X is slated to launch in 2012, in Japan at least.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011 | Label: DQX Online, Dragon Quest, New WII 2, Wii, Wii Game | 0 Comments