Deus EX Human Revolution [2011/PC/BETA] GPU & CPU Performance Test

Deus EX Human Revolution [2011/PC/BETA] GPU & CPU Performance Test

 We were pleasantly surprised by how well Deus Ex: Human Revolution ran on affordable graphics cards at 1680x1050. The GeForce GTX 550 Ti and Radeon HD 6770 were able to deliver playable performance using maximum visual quality settings. Moreover, it only took a Radeon HD 6850 or GeForce GTX 560 for silky smooth performance.

Although I have noticed quite a few complaints about the graphics in Deus Ex: Human Revolution I believe they are pretty impressive. Granted this is not the most amazing looking game of 2011, but the visuals are still very good.

Despite the fact the game doesn't support the traditional multi-sampling or super-sampling anti-aliasing methods, we found that MLAA and FXAA both looked very good. In terms of performance there was very little between the two for the most part, and when using an AMD graphics card we failed to find any difference at all. Nvidia users should stick with FXAA as it will likely guarantee the best performance.

When looking at processor performance we found that the clock speed had little influence on frame rates. Based on our findings any processor capable of supporting just two threads is going to perform poorly on Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The game was able to utilize more than four threads, but any of today’s quad-core processors should more than suffice, whether it's an AMD Phenom II X4 or Intel Core i3/i5/i7.

Those hoping to play at high resolutions such as 2560x1600 or across multiple monitors using the highest possible visuals, will likely need to take advantage of multi-GPU technology. The good news is from day one Crossfire and SLI technology worked flawlessly using the latest AMD and Nvidia drivers.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution looks to be a fairly well-polished game and it's certainly been sometime since we were able to provide a complete performance analysis on a game without having to wait for a series of patches. That being said, the game did receive its first patch just 3 days after release which addressed start up crashes and lengthy load times. 


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RO 2 : Legend Of The Second

RO 2 : Legend Of The Second ini adalah "remake" dari RO 2 GONW

Taylor with Peco
At level 15 you'll be able to move faster with mounts. Each mount will have certain requirements to meet in order to ride 'em. You can purchase one through an NPC named "Jenny", shes North of Prontera Castle with the "Transportation Managers".

Upcoming Game Release 2011

What do you think? Strategy Games Owning this Quarter!


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Lion Hearth King of Crusader is Good RTS, but not worth it for graphic, even LHKoC have Physix feature (CMIIW)
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Allods Online Indonesia - Fantasy MMORPG

Allods Online is a fantasy MMORPG game, which was developed by Nival Astrum originating from Russia. Fantasy set in the infinite nature of Sarnaut make an unimaginable adventure. In Allods Online, players can explore the extent of becoming a world divided into a mysterious island and the continent, strengthen each character in a way to make armor, weapons and other items. Absolutely SCAM for Indonesian

from BudiBuddybudi
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ACE Online Indonesia

ACE Online is a 3D shooting game that can be done by many players simultaneously. In the game of ACE Online, users can become their own war plane pilot (called GEAR), in a futuristic world where you can upgrade the Skill or GEAR itself. In ACE Online, the user has full control in every movement GEAR, so very different style of RPG that used only the method on a mouse click. This is a Role-Playing Games (RPG) - or a game of controlling something - but he called the same as playing First Person Shooter (FPS) - shooting games. Because the background of ACE Online is a 3-D atmospheric space, players must be careful because an enemy missile can strike from anywhere and anytime.
Deca is the nation's largest state Bygeniou City United (BCU). BCU government is run by the National Force Union that the initial objective is to unify Phillon Planet. With statement strict equality and unity, they reject the existence of tribes and nationalities. This has led to a rift that weakened the government and also cause hostility both within and outside Bygeniou. The end result is the separation of Arlington City and the formation of other anti-government movement. This rebellion, which is supported by the Vatallus, creating self-government and contrary to the BCU.
Tired of the tyranny of government, most military forces, population, and the government to escape from the BCU and forming Arlington ational Influence (ANI). ANI consists of supporting the resistance movement against the National Force Union in Bygeniou. Steadfastly refused the government's role in politics, many military soldiers who left the army and formed an independent force. By upholding peace and freedom, their goal is to unify Planet Phillon ways of cooperation and equality. This statement was later conflict with the Vatallus because initially they simply act passively.
Website: Website Links ACE ONLINE
Download Page:

Elsword Online, Action Side Scrolling Fantasy RPG

Elsword depicts the evil force hidden in the dark intruded on Alios temple secretly with the purpose of taking away El Stone during the memorial ceremony. When a fierce war was ongoing between the evil and the guardians, all of a sudden El Stone was suffered severely assault and cracked. The stone shards spread over the Alios land. Losing the protection of El Stone, Alios was overtaken by darkness. Creatures that carelessly touched a stone shard changed into irascible monsters and endangered humans. Elite adventure army named Elsword has made up their mind to look for the shards from all sides and confront the future full of unknown dangers in order to bring Alios back to a bright and flourishing world.

Genre : Action MMORPG
Developer : KOG Studios
Publisher : Kill3rCombo
Server : North America
Payment : Free to Play
Website :

Short video clip from the official US client of Elsword (yes, you read that right. North America finally has its own Elsword servers), the anime inspired multiplayer online action game. Elsword is a side-scrolling, beat 'em up with both party and versus game modes. Register now at for the Closed Beta Test

Lucent Heart Online

Lucent Heart Online

• Unique Zodiac System
Players are imbued with power from the heavens, granting special skills, daily “horoscope” enhancements, and the ability to transform into a powerful “Zodiac” form -- all based on their birthday and star sign. The Zodiac System extends throughout the game, affecting everything from combat to character emotions, creating an experience like never before.

Dragon Nest Online Indonesia

Genre :Action MMORPG
Developer :Eyedentity Games
International :Nexon
Payment :Free to Play
Website : [SEA server]; Facebook
Status :CBT 13-19 July 2011 , OBT Agustus 2011

Sebagai sebuah action MMORPG, Dragon Nest memfitur grafik luar biasa dan action gesit yang dapat dibandingkan dengan game console.

Respon dari gerakan karakter dan monster serta interaksi antara landform dengan aktifitas player didesain sangat realistik. Pada waktu monster diserang, ia akan menabrak dengan batu atau obstacle lainnya.

Spore Cheat

Adds extra parts.celleditor
Adds more bloomStyleFilter -nextgen
Captures a spinning GIF of the planet you are on and dumps to AnimatedAvatars directory.capturePlanetGIF
cell carnivore, cell_herbivore, cell_omnivore, creature_aggressive, creature_social, creature_mixed, tribe_aggressive, tribe_social, tribe_mixed, civ_setConsequenceTrait (trait)
change view back to normalstylefilter -none
Console CommandsDes
Different colorsstylefilter -nextgen
Different colorsstylefilter -norainbows
Displays or modified propertiesProp
Enter this cheat while starting a game: Start a new game with one of your more evolved creaturesevoadvantage
Everything looks as if through a microscopestylefilter -microscope
Explains action and usage of a (command)
Gives the game an oil painting effectstyleFilter -oilPaint
increase how much DNA you have to spend.addDNA
Increases your money in Civilization or Space stages.moreMoney
Keep pressing it and you'll have 99,999,999 sporebucks in no time!moreMoney+Up
Keep pressing it and you'll have max uses in no time!spaceCreate+Up
Lists all cheats and debug
Lists options or sets an optionOption
Movie CheatMovie
No complexity limit in creatorfreedom
On the Spore main menu, allows you to unlock every stage for new games, even if you haven't completed their prerequisite stages.levels -unlock
Quit gameQuit
Rate that pirates will steal spice from your systemsuniverseSimulatorPirateRaidPlunderFrequency #
Rate that pirtates will raid ally your systemsuniverseSimulatorPirateRaidAllyFrequency #
Rate that pirtates will raid your systemsuniverseSimulatorPirateRaidFrequency #
Removes all hints from the game.killallhints
Replenishes depleted health and other motives.refillMotives
Sets time of day at the Avatar's position, and optionally a speed multiplier.SetTime (h, m)
Toggles free camera mode.freeCam
Turns creatures into their blocky representationsblocksmode
Unlocks all superweapons for your Civilization type.unlockSuperWeapons
Unlocks and recharges all creation tools in Space Mode.spaceCreate
View game in black & whitestyleFilter -filmNoir

Top 10 Games August 2011

Here we are

RankWasPeakDays on ChartSystemGame
1 1 1 22 PlayStation 3 Catherine
2 2 1 525 DS Pokemon Black Version
3 3 1 325 Xbox 360 Fallout: New Vegas
4 5 1 2425 PC World of Warcraft
5 4 1 436 PC League of Legends
6 6 1 370 Xbox 360 Call of Duty: Black Ops
7 7 5 314 PC Minecraft
8 8 4 12 PlayStation 3 Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
9 9 1 185 PlayStation 3 Mortal Kombat
10 15 10 68 PC Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
11 13 2 1115 PC Team Fortress 2
12 10 1 1028 PlayStation 3 Final Fantasy XIII
13 11 1 84 PC The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
14 12 1 538 PC Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
15 14 2 334 PlayStation 3 Call of Duty: Black Ops
16 17 1 468 PlayStation 3 Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds
17 16 2 293 PC Fallout: New Vegas
18 19 7 232 Xbox 360 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
19 18 1 4679 PlayStation Final Fantasy VII
20 20 1 612 Xbox 360 Mass Effect 2
21 22 1 658 PC Dragon Age: Origins
22 21 2 151 Xbox 360 Mortal Kombat
23 23 1 221 3DS The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
24 28 1 419 DS Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
25 29 2 3657 PlayStation 2 Final Fantasy X
26 24 1 1038 Xbox 360 Fallout 3
27 26 2 326 PSP Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy
28 98 28 3 PSP Queen's Gate: Spiral Chaos
29 34 1 274 PlayStation 3 Gran Turismo 5
30 33 1 1922 PlayStation 2 Final Fantasy XII
31 31 5 4206 Nintendo 64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
32 64 1 484 Xbox 360 Halo: Reach
33 25 2 2464 PC MapleStory
34 27 15 14 Xbox 360 Catherine
35 30 1 1127 DS Pokemon Platinum Version
36 35 19 159 DS Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011: Over the Nexus
37 36 3 3613 PC Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
38 32 1 684 PlayStation 3 Demon's Souls
39 40 1 656 Xbox 360 Dragon Age: Origins
40 39 1 813 DS Pokemon HeartGold Version
41 38 1 1031 PSP Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
42 37 34 26 iPhone/iPod Zenonia 3: The Midgard Story
43 41 12 35 PlayStation 3 Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3
44 42 2 535 Wii Monster Hunter Tri
45 43 3 293 PlayStation 3 Fallout: New Vegas
46 50 18 3593 PlayStation Final Fantasy VIII
47 46 2 160 DS Pokemon White Version
48 54 18 2637 PlayStation Final Fantasy IX
49 44 1 2351 Game Boy Advance Pokemon Emerald Version
50 45 23 5 Xbox 360 From Dust
51 48 2 2627 Game Boy Advance Pokemon FireRed Version
52 47 3 266 Xbox 360 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
53 53 53 3 PlayStation 3 Bleach: Soul Resurreccion
54 51 1 2466 PlayStation 2 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
55 52 1 996 PSP Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
56 55 11 266 PSP Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
57 62 1 777 PC The Sims 3
58 57 4 1050 PlayStation 2 Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
59 56 1 491 Xbox 360 Red Dead Redemption
60 58 1 1758 DS Pokemon Diamond Version
61 49 7 813 PC Plants vs. Zombies
62 59 2 1930 PC The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
63 60 1 608 Xbox 360 Saints Row 2
64 66 1 672 Xbox 360 Borderlands
65 61 5 265 PlayStation 3 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
66 73 20 36 Wii Xenoblade Chronicles
67 83 1 923 Xbox 360 Grand Theft Auto IV
68 71 2 548 Xbox 360 Final Fantasy XIII
69 67 3 434 PSP Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable
70 68 3 1019 PC Fallout 3
71 75 1 1783 Xbox 360 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
72 63 5 77 PC Terraria
73 69 30 39 PlayStation 3 Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
74 72 1 1029 Xbox 360 Tales of Vesperia
75 77 5 174 PSP Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together
76 76 2 1550 Wii The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
77 70 1 841 Xbox 360 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
78 78 7 958 PlayStation 2 Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES
79 65 1 1271 Wii Super Smash Bros. Brawl
80 79 42 20 PC Star Wars: The Old Republic
81 81 1 88 Xbox 360 L.A. Noire
82 82 2 458 PlayStation 3 Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
83 85 43 78 PSP Final Fantasy Type-0
84 89 2 273 Xbox 360 Fable III
85 74 52 4 PC Battlefield 3
86 90 79 15 PlayStation 3 Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations
87 84 3 559 DS Pokemon SoulSilver Version
88 88 1 924 Wii Mario Kart Wii
89 86 7 124 Xbox 360 Mass Effect 3
90 87 1 176 PlayStation 3 inFamous
91 94 3 89 PlayStation 3 L.A. Noire
92 Ret 2 994 PlayStation 3 Grand Theft Auto IV
93 97 4 895 PlayStation 3 Fallout 3
94 Ret 20 60 Xbox 360 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
95 91 2 446 PC Mass Effect 2
96 93 1 1067 Xbox 360 Fable II
97 92 4 422 Wii The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
98 Ret 80 11 Xbox 360 Battlefield 3
99 96 2 123 Xbox 360 Dragon Age II
100 Ret 32 735 Wii Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga