Adds extra parts. | celleditor |
Adds more bloom | StyleFilter -nextgen |
Captures a spinning GIF of the planet you are on and dumps to AnimatedAvatars directory. | capturePlanetGIF |
cell carnivore, cell_herbivore, cell_omnivore, creature_aggressive, creature_social, creature_mixed, tribe_aggressive, tribe_social, tribe_mixed, civ_ | setConsequenceTrait (trait) |
change view back to normal | stylefilter -none |
Console Commands | Des |
Different colors | stylefilter -nextgen |
Different colors | stylefilter -norainbows |
Displays or modified properties | Prop |
Enter this cheat while starting a game: Start a new game with one of your more evolved creatures | evoadvantage |
Everything looks as if through a microscope | stylefilter -microscope |
Explains action and usage of a command. | help (command) |
Gives the game an oil painting effect | styleFilter -oilPaint |
increase how much DNA you have to spend. | addDNA |
Increases your money in Civilization or Space stages. | moreMoney |
Keep pressing it and you'll have 99,999,999 sporebucks in no time! | moreMoney+Up |
Keep pressing it and you'll have max uses in no time! | spaceCreate+Up |
Lists all cheats and debug commands. | help |
Lists options or sets an option | Option |
Movie Cheat | Movie |
No complexity limit in creator | freedom |
On the Spore main menu, allows you to unlock every stage for new games, even if you haven't completed their prerequisite stages. | levels -unlock |
Quit game | Quit |
Rate that pirates will steal spice from your systems | universeSimulatorPirateRaidPlunderFrequency # |
Rate that pirtates will raid ally your systems | universeSimulatorPirateRaidAllyFrequency # |
Rate that pirtates will raid your systems | universeSimulatorPirateRaidFrequency # |
Removes all hints from the game. | killallhints |
Replenishes depleted health and other motives. | refillMotives |
Sets time of day at the Avatar's position, and optionally a speed multiplier. | SetTime (h, m) |
Toggles free camera mode. | freeCam |
Turns creatures into their blocky representations | blocksmode |
Unlocks all superweapons for your Civilization type. | unlockSuperWeapons |
Unlocks and recharges all creation tools in Space Mode. | spaceCreate |
View game in black & white | styleFilter -filmNoir |
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