Spesicifation New WII 2
The latest generation of Nintendo Wii is rumored to have top class specifications that purportedly exceeded the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Like what?
Nintendo plans to show off the latest generation of the Wii in the event the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2011. Titled Wii console also hosts a number of advantages, one of which is to play games in the resolution of High Definition (HD).
Internal party Nintendo called Wii 2 with the name 'Porject Cafe'. This console has a similar architecture with the Xbox 360, only slightly better performance.
Wii 2 will use the processor mentioned brain '3 'special of the IBM PowerPC CPU. While the graphics card has 512MB memory, with the (Graphics Processing Unit) from ATI Radeon R700 GPU that supports pixel shader 4.1.
Controller on the Wii 2 also rumored to have a front camera, directional pad, two bumpers, as well as two new triger. And also ensured that the level of responsiveness is better than previous versions.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011 | Label: New WII 2, Specs, Spesifikasi | 0 Comments
Jual Tanah dan Rumah di Bojongsari Depok
Tipe Properti : Rumah Dijual
Alamat : Jl.Raya Ciputat-Parung km.24, Bojongsari Rt01/12 no.66 Bojongsari Depok (Belakang SMA/SMK Alhasra)
Kota : Depok
Propinsi : Jawa Barat
Keterangan Lengkap
Luas Tanah : 225 m
Harga : Rp.300jt Nego
Nama : Ima
Email : be.arif@gmaiil.com
Phone : 02183442381
Keunggulan :
• Lokasi Strategis : dekat jalan raya, akses mudah, angkutan umum 24 jam, dekat dengan JORR ( Jakarta Outer Ring Road), dekat denga rencana jalur ring road ( tol serpong – Cinere- jagorawi)
• Terdapat banyak fasilitas umum di sekitar lokasi diantaranya: sekolah, universitas, stasiun kereta, pusat perbelanjaan, sport club, taman rekreasi, dan rumah sakit
• Investasi yang menarik
• Bebas banjir
• Harga yang bersaing
• Daerah Aman
Sunday, April 17, 2011 | Label: Jual Tanah dan Rumah di Bojongsari Depok, Jual Tanah Sawangan Depok, Jul Rumsh Sawangan Depok, Sawangan | 0 Comments
Unsubscribe PayPal Subscription - Avoid Paypal Limit
Avoid Paypal Limit from Subscription, like domain annual, hosting annual, and other payment annual at Paypal
1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Click Profile at the top of the page.
3. Click My Preapproved Payments in the Financial Information column
4. Click to transaction you want and click cancel
Sunday, April 17, 2011 | Label: Cara Menghapus tagihan paypal, Cara Unsubcribe Paypal, Hot to Unsubscribe, Paypal Limit, Paypal Unsubscribe | 0 Comments
Android on Walkman Sony Ericsson Series
The existence of Android phones from Sony Ericsson's Walkman as the W15. Similarly, with few specifics. Reportedly, the form will resemble the phone similar to the X8.
This smart Pponsel reputedly has HVGA 3 inch touch screen, 3.2 megapixel camera and powerful 600MHz processor. Surely there's Walkman application in it.
There has been no news about the Android version is used. But maybe it directly into the new Android phones Gingerbread such as Sony Ericsson's other output.
W15 reportedly slid April or May 2011. Currently no information whatsoever from Sony Ericsson that it needs awaited Android Walkman whether that should be qualified in the music sector is really appear.
Saturday, April 16, 2011 | Label: Walkman Android Sonny Ericsson | 0 Comments
Google Chrome Browser on Playstation 3
Many gamers who complain about the performance of the browser on the PlayStation 3 (PS3) is slow. Google released the Chrome browser ready for the game console. Browsers that exist on the PS3 is considered the worst. Although always an improvement in every firmware update but still many are disappointed with their performance.
Now rumors if Sony has launched a special webkit to present Chrome browser on the PS3. Rumors are increasingly strengthened with the recognition of a developer who claimed to have obtained these webkit. some functions such as synchronization of bookmarks from Chrome. And it only takes a few changes for this application could work on PS3
However, there has been no official statement from Sony about this. Thus even when confirmed to Google, the internet giant had claimed to have plans to bring the Chrome browser on the PS3
Monday, April 11, 2011 | Label: Chrome Browser on Sony Playstation 3, Chrome PS3 | 0 Comments
Mass Effect 3 Release This End Year
The latest information about the RPG Mass Effect 3, the cover story began to unfold from one of the famous magazine, Game Informer and from the GameFAQs forums, and the core story of this game stems from the end of the story in Mass Effect DLC Arrival 2.
The story begins, when Shepard was in the Earth in order to undergo trial for him. However, in the midst of the trial, The Reapers started to invade the earth. This opening story involves the efforts Shepard blurred using Normandy 2, and started looking for his allies, against the forces the Reapers (the husks of all species) along the road.
Here are some of the content details RPG Mass Effect 3 which will come:
1. Forces combat team that has been confirmed emerged: Liara, Ashley / Kaiden, Garrus (if he is still alive, and James Sanders (probably one of the characters that appear in prime Mass Effect trailer three ago).
2. There the SS Ashley with a new body n face.
3. There are some people who are confirmed to appear but it is not clear, what could be the Shepard tempru team members, namely: Wrex, Mordin, Legion, and Anderson (if they are all still alive).
4. By default, the game will include a comic feature "Previously on Mass Effect" is reserved for players who want to start everything from the initial story.
5. The Illusive Man will also be an important fight, and Cerberus will be a mission to kill the Shepard. The reason is still unknown.
6. RPG elements will multiply, but will not be as much as in Mass Effect 1, but will provide more freedom in terms of character skills. Status variations will be greater skill, and powers will continue to change several times not just once, which will offer a wider freedom.
7. Weapons systems are still like a model Mass Effect 2, but with additional modifications that are similar like in Mass Effect 1. Where, gamers can freely menggonta replace various parts of berebda, such as barrels, scope, etc, etc, etc.. All of these features will affect the performance of a weapon in the battle as well as the shape model of weapon.
8. All character classes can now use all weapons without any obstacles, but will have restrictions on weapon slots that will be taken. Only the soldier class that can carry all weapons at once. Possible classroom Adept, Engineer, and the Sentinel will be limited to two slots of weapons and infiltrators while Vanguard will be able to carry three slots.
9. Mass Effect 3 will have multiple endings, some good endings, some bad endings, and the selection of team members and allies which will be recruited by Shepard will have a drastic effect that diverse.
Mass Effect 3 will appear on the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC at the end of 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011 | Label: End Year, Mass Effect 3, Release | 0 Comments
WebOS - Mission Impossible
Neither Gartner or IDC was equally predict that Android will become the number one operating system on smartphones. Followed by several other systems such as IOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry.
In 2015 Android Naturalife Greenworld estimated market share of 48.8%, 17.2% dikutit IOS on, then Windows Phone 19.5 percent, then the youngest filled by BlackBerry approximately 11.1%. Then what about WebOS?. Gartner predicts WebOS have a very small percentage could even be extinct within the next 4 years.
Despite this predictable but still WebOS can not be underestimated. Once annexed from Palm, HP invests heavily and have a special team to develop the operating system.
Saturday, April 09, 2011 | Label: WebOS Die, WebOS Down, WebOS failed | 0 Comments
Strike Back CITI BANK! - Barbar Debcollector in Indonesia, Killer!
Citi Bank is worst Bank In Indonesia, Stay Awas from It!, but if you've been stuck inside, i'v six steps to strike back Debcollector
This magic moment in the six facing debt collectors alias when installment debt collector motorcycles, cars, housing, banks, rural banks, cooperatives, credit cards, or bad your debt repayments.
Here are tips in dealing with them:
1. Greet politely and ask them to show identification and assignment letters. Ask them, who told them to come and ask for a phone number that gives the task of this debt collector.
If they can not fulfill your request and you are in doubt on them, invited them to leave. Say, you want a break or busy with other work.
2. If the debt collectors to be polite, explain that you can not pay because of your financial condition has not been possible. Tell the debt collector that you will contact directly related to the case your debts. Do not promise anything to the debt collectors.
3. If the debt collectors start debating terrorize, invited them to the outside of your home. Contact administrators housing, or police. Because, it's a bad sign for the debt collectors who want to rob a car, motorcycle, or other items that you are cicil payment.
4. If the debt collectors trying to rob your installment goods, decline and keep things fixed in your hands. Tell them, depriving the action they did was evil.
Clearly mentioned in the Penal Code, which may execute the court. So, if want to take the collateral, should carry a letter from a district court decision execution.
Remind them, your mortgage vehicles for example, is yours, according to the letter of vehicle ownership
This case is a civil case, not criminal. Civil cases are resolved through civil courts and not by debt collectors. That is why, the police were prohibited from intervening in a civil case.
This case became a criminal case if the debt collectors seized goods your mortgage, terrorize, or persecute you. To ensnare you into the realm of criminal, general leasing company, bank, or cooperative will report you to the embezzlement charges.
5. If the debt collectors seize your goods, immediately to the police station and report the case with your witnesses. T
6. Do not Leave the car or other collateral items to the police. Politely decline the offer of the police. Keep the car or the collateral remains in your hands until you pay off or there is the execution of court decisions.
Consult punish the Consumer Protection Agency, National Commission on Consumer Protection and Business, or Consumer Dispute Settlement Body.
Saturday, April 09, 2011 | Label: Citi Bank Worst, Debt Collector Citi Bank, Worst Bank in Indonesia | 0 Comments
Computer Commodore 64 Appears Again
Related News
Commodore 64 was first marketed in almost 30 years ago. Was quite fantastic sales figures, which reached 30 million units more.
The legend is now going to be revived. Commodore United States announced it would make a computer that is similar to the original. Which of course is different specifications.
Commodore 64 was having some success because the price is cheap, good performance, and there are things everywhere.
The technology used Commodore 64 is still modest, ie 1 MHz MOS Technology 6510 CPU, 64KB RAM memory and 20KB ROM.
For the Commodore 64 new generation, named C64x, the processor used is Intel Atom dual-core D525 that works on 1.8GHz. For memory, embedded 4GB RAM and 1TB hard drive.
For graphics affairs entrusted to the second generation Ion core Nvidia VIC-II 320 × 200.
While other specifications tailored to each model. For the lowest specification will be sold for U.S. $ 250
Friday, April 08, 2011 | Label: Commodore 64 | 0 Comments
Duke Nukem Forever Babes !
Please Remember to Wash Hands After Playing ! :lol:
That's Funny
Friday, April 08, 2011 | Label: babes, Duke Nukem Forever, Game | 0 Comments
Duke Nukem Forever - Behind the Scenes
Do you know:
1. What was the first game in the franchise was almost called instead of Duke Nukem?
2. Who is the only person to be involved in all Duke Nukem projects?
3. Who was the first voice of Duke Nukem?
Friday, April 08, 2011 | Label: Behid the Scene, Duke Nukem, Game, History | 0 Comments
Mortal Kombat 9 Shang Tsung The Duplicator Story!
Check it Out This Video
Thursday, April 07, 2011 | Label: Mortal Kombat 9, Shang Tsung | 0 Comments
Pandora's Saga :Tower Ende and Ceres Our Friends
Thursday, April 07, 2011 | Label: Ende and Ceres, Pandora Saga, Tower | 0 Comments
Infinity Blade Available on Android OS?
For those who never played a good game Infinity Blade on iPhone, iPod or IPAD might already know that the RPG genre game has gameplay that is quite interesting, and is one of the best handheld games that exist today. So far Infinity Blade present only for IOS, and unfortunately the Epic Games as the developer had not planned to release this game on Android.
In a recent interview, Mark Rein of Epic Games said that the fact they have been offered a license for the release of Infinity Blade on the Android platform, but until recently the Epic had not planned to make this happen. One of the main reasons according to Mark will be difficult to get a consistent gaming experience at Infinity Blade in Android. According to him, people who want to play games from Epic expected to obtain a consistent gaming experience, it can not be guaranteed by them if the game was released on the Android.
Of course this is closely related to the diversity of hardware that uses Android as well as the nature of "open source" from the OS itself. Mark also said that Google should better control the Android.
Thursday, April 07, 2011 | Label: Infinity Blade, Infinity Blade Android, Infinity Blade on Android | 1 Comments
PlayStation Portable NGP Release Next Month
Sony Corp. delay the launch of the latest PlayStation, after Japan's devastating earthquake and tsunami last month. Even so, the PlayStation Portable that NGP will go on sale at the end of the year-end holiday season in one of the country.
Disasters that disrupt production has forced Sony to consider this latest version of the PlayStation launch in only one geographical area, such as Asia, Europe, or the United States. Delays mungkan will give developers more time onon game in certain areas to complete the software
Sony Executive Deputy President said, NGP will give new strength. This new model has a 5-inch screen (12.7 cm) organic light emitting diodes, or OLEDs, and will offer a different application in each region. In addition, NGP has front and rear cameras and the multi-touch sensors in the rear. Sony also developed a memory format specifically for the NGP.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 | Label: New PSP, NGP, Playstation Portable, PSP, PSP NGP | 0 Comments
Dynasty Warriors 7 - Extreme Challanger, New Kingdom (Jin) Not Three Kingdoms Anymore!
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Huang Gai (neoseeker) |
The game is divided mainly between Story Mode and conquest modes. Story Mode through a long series of important battles in Chinese history, the names that you will understand now. Yellow Turbans, Dong Zhuo's tyrannical, rival kingdoms all vying for power
One of the major changes in this game is the new Jin kingdom, the fourth faction led by Sima Yi, and although Jin can be selected at any time, recommend completing the game storyline Wei, Shu, and Wu before diving into Jin. You do not need to follow this a little advice, but for anyone who is familiar with the story of the Three Kingdoms, Jin played the last produce a more accurate experience. Indeed, you still have a preteen scantily clad giant in every kingdom holds the yo-yos or something equally silly - well, Xu Zhu - but accuracy did not take some priority in Dynasty Warriors 7.
Fashion History takes a wider scope, so that rather than choosing a single warrior and play through each story, you will be cycling through the different officers along each faction-specific campaign. Who do you play as a change per event, determined by the present where an important battle during the Three Kingdoms era. certain characters who were present at the beginning of the campaign may be dead in the middle, and new faces will emerge to take their places. Before each battle, you have the opportunity to explore your factions main camp and communicate with fellow soldiers before talking with NPC who was appointed to start the stage. The idea sounds kind of nice on paper, but sloppy execution disappointing. This area is not actually given in great detail, which kills the desire to explore, and the NPC around the camps rarely have anything interesting to say. This effort was certainly there, but 80 percent of the characters banters still falls really flat, an issue that may be associated with poorly written dialogue.
Stages of the actual range boasts more than previous Dynasty Warriors title by throwing in a purpose other than killing the enemy commander, unfortunately, these goals include escort missions - many of them. VIP escorting in Dynasty Warriors is never fun, especially in single-player, but Dynasty Warriors 7 suffer from the abundance of missions. Throws an annoying swarm the enemy with artillery units destroy (ie ballista, catapults, flamethrowers sculpture) and some action thrown stuff.
In between battles, the voice that tells documentorial goings-on across the China war, and this segment is actually relatively interesting if you are interested in ancient history. It's very simple, but also much more effective than melodramatic cutscenes the game in terms of storytelling. Despite the emphasis on the bigger picture, game cutscenes and cinematics take a more personal tone with a focus on the soldiers themselves. This surprisingly complex narrative juxtaposition to the title Warriors, and while I'm not a fan of drama between personal character, easy to appreciate what Omega Force has done in this regard.
Combat has taken a dramatic turn, with a delicious weapon customization system in order to compensate the player character selection restrictions. All officers have two weapon slots that can be filled with a combination that you choose, but their effectiveness varies with each weapon based on compatibility. Give a character-based blade fan, for example, and he can attack more slowly or easily lost in battle. Every soldier linked to weapons EX by default, which allows him (or her) to perform special combo attacks when equipped. 'Seal,' Weapons upgrade, or will be opened as you progress and can be applied to weapons to increase the stat, such as attack a larger or more health. The weakness of one is that after you go through the characters enough, you begin to realize that some styles EX weapons are divided. Thankfully, the collection ranges expansive Musou attack at 60-something games the right character variable, each unique to a person irrespective of overlapping arms.
Whatever you get in Story Mode, either the character or weapon to open, transfer to the Conquest Mode, substitute the Free Mode in Dynasty Warriors 7. In Conquest, you have the freedom to choose your officials have been opened, then take your character through a honeycomb grid map, engaged in a series of separate battles from the main story. Most of the fights is quite simple, to borrow the purpose of phase Story Mode, and much shorter than their counterparts campaign. Special events like the Battle of the Legendary offers original screenplay for certain officers, who do not always relate to the character you choose. Basically, think of conquest as a disruption of the Story Mode, a place to unwind and relax every time you get tired of guarding Cao Cao's ego all of China.
More importantly, the Conquest is where you'll find co-op game modes, accessible from the map screen. needs 'Play Online' to manually activated, and so far, the option 'Quick Match' has not provided any results for me. The whole process is very complicated, and the wind is the best bet to become the Party Xbox LIVE search option, assuming you have a friend who also has a game.
Dynasty Warriors 7 offers significant visual improvement over its predecessor, but overall, the game still looks pretty sub-standard compared with other major titles on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The characters themselves look very beautiful, whether you appreciate their latest makeover, but the environment around them remain rough. Some of the scenes is really like a bad Photoshop job, like the characters have been copied and pasted from the hi-res image to the background blurred. On the bright side, this is probably the first Dynasty Warriors game in a long time lag is not my console to holy hell.
In terms of story, gameplay and visuals, Dynasty Warriors 7 you are playing pretty decent, but the strength of the game is only visible when compared with the lack of predecessors. If you have not been a fan of this game series. Whether you like that sort of thing, or not. And if you play it, be assured Dynasty Warriors 7 will keep you busy for hours
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 | Label: Dinasty Warriors 7, Disk Xbox 360, DW7, Dynasty Warriors 7, Game Review, Jin Kingdoms, Teaser, Trailer | 0 Comments
Beware Of Citi Bank Indonesia, Kill your body and Steal your Money!
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Citi Bank Corrupt and Killer |
Beware of Citi Bank Indonesia
This final end, Global Foreign Bank is uncovered his illness, in addition to stealing money from customers in case of Malinda Dee, Murder Case of the Customer by Debcollectorpun occur due to bad credit
Poor banking system from Citi Bank, as well as weak supervision by Bank Indonesia to make customers become victims of their members
to commemorate it for my friends moved out of Citi Bank, or No to receive various forms of credit from the Citi Bank, for the safety of you and your family.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 | Label: Citi Bank Bankcrupt, Citi Bank Corruption, Citi Bank Debcollector, Citi Bank Thief, Malinda Dee | 0 Comments