Computer Commodore 64 Appears Again

Still remember the Commodore 64 computer keyboard? In his time the computer is in great demand. Its main competitor at that time was the Apple II.
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Commodore 64 was first marketed in almost 30 years ago. Was quite fantastic sales figures, which reached 30 million units more.

The legend is now going to be revived. Commodore United States announced it would make a computer that is similar to the original. Which of course is different specifications.


Commodore 64 was having some success because the price is cheap, good performance, and there are things everywhere.

The technology used Commodore 64 is still modest, ie 1 MHz MOS Technology 6510 CPU, 64KB RAM memory and 20KB ROM.

For the Commodore 64 new generation, named C64x, the processor used is Intel Atom dual-core D525 that works on 1.8GHz. For memory, embedded 4GB RAM and 1TB hard drive.

For graphics affairs entrusted to the second generation Ion core Nvidia VIC-II 320 × 200.

While other specifications tailored to each model. For the lowest specification will be sold for U.S. $ 250

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